Training FAQ
What is the purpose of Basic Cadet Training (BCT)?
为期六周的BCT项目测试你的精神和身体能力,帮助你从平民生活过渡到军队生活. You’ll develop alertness, physical endurance, emotional stability, self-reliance and individual initiative. 你要遵守严格的纪律,注意细节,守时. 这个培训为成为有个性的领导者奠定了基础——这就是你们来这里的原因.
What type of training does BCT include?
BCT consists of two phases, 两者都由上层阶级的学员管理由委任和未委任的军官担任 advisors. 该项目由军校学员指挥官监督,他是一名空军准将. BCT的第一阶段(第一BCT或“第一野兽”)在学员区进行,致力于军事培训项目. 重点是学习基本的军事技能和责任, 通过竞技体育提高身体素质,适应团队合作. BCT的第二阶段(第二次BCT或“第二野兽”)主要包括在杰克斯谷营地进行的实地训练活动, five miles north of the cadet area. 你将行军到营地,搭建一个帐篷城,在那里训练18天. These activities expand your military orientation, 教你的武器技能和发展你的身体和精神的信心,通过挑战障碍. 这种训练需要极大的耐力、决心和足智多谋. 关于BCT的更具体信息载于小册子中, “The Academy Experience,” which we provide to candidates selected for admission.
How can I feel assured that I am physically prepared for BCT?
学员任命包包括体育主任关于身体准备的具体说明. 你应该按照指示每天进行30分钟的有氧运动, without overtaxing or straining yourself. 学员四级委员会还准备了以下建议:“回顾jdb电子夺宝如何为进入学院做更好的准备, physical conditioning stands out, first of all. 如果你身材不好,每天剧烈的锻炼会让你感到沮丧和疲惫. If you can accomplish the 30-minute daily workout, 其中包括至少跑两英里和做其他有氧运动, 你应该为你的体能要求做好准备. However, 如果你在到达之前没有达到所有推荐的标准, 你将有机会提高你的身体能力,以便跟上你的同学.“初级学员经常会出现水泡和肌腱炎. 这是非常重要的,你的鞋子和战斗靴是合适的,以提供舒适.
Yes. The first day is devoted to in-processing, which includes clothing issue, room and squadron assignments, completing forms, a medical review and a swearing-in ceremony. 你们将被要求宣誓效忠支持和捍卫美国宪法并忠实履行作为学员的职责. If your parents come with you, 他们可能想留下来参加第二天的公开宣誓就职仪式.
Yes. 在BCT的第五周,jdb电子夺宝将进行两项测试来测试您的体能和耐力. The physical fitness test areas are pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, standing long jump and a 600-yard run. The aerobics test is a 1.5-mile run. These initial tests gauge basic cadet fitness, but there is time to increase scores over the course of BCT. 如果学员在BCT结束后进入学员区,分数仍然太低, there are programs that help increase test performance.
军校基本训练是由平民生活向军队生活的过渡. 这种转变的一部分是对初级学员的发型标准的统一. The rigors of BCT put great demands on personal hygiene. 分配给个人卫生的时间需要最大化,短发会有帮助. 女人不需要剪头发,只要她们能把头发固定好,防止头发掉到脸上就行, obstructing vision or touching their collars. It must present a neat, professional appearance at all times. 女人梳头的时间要求是两分钟. 在BCT之后,可以在学员理发店或美容店剪头发和造型.
I’ve heard basic cadets referred to as Doolies. What does this mean?
这是该学院第一届学员——1959届学员——在BCT时采用的术语. Doolie是希腊语“doulos”的衍生词,意思是“主体”.这个俗语被大多数毕业生和外人用来指代大一新生, but the cadets themselves do not typically use it.
Do basic cadets have any free time?
Yes, but very little. Cadets rise as early as 5:15 a.m., release from quarters and go to bed no later than 11:00 p.m. (taps). 然而,每天的日程安排中都有足够的放松时间. 每天晚上都有时间洗澡和注意个人卫生. In addition, time is available, just before taps (the last bugle call before lights out), to study, write letters or rest. 有足够的时间睡觉、吃饭、休息和做礼拜.
If I have problems adjusting to cadet life, can I seek help?
If you experience adjustment problems, jdb电子夺宝鼓励你向咨询机构寻求帮助. Peak Performance Center (PPC)的专业培训人员随时待命, 以及在每个中队中被指定为这个目的的高年级学员.
What happens after Basic Cadet Training is completed?
整个学员联队都参加了阅兵仪式,标志着BCT的结束. 你将获得学员肩章,成为学员联队的一员, and you can truthfully say to yourself, “Well done! 这些挑战激励我实现目标,并超越自己的期望!” Next, 你将进入延续到五月的四年级学年, 在此期间,你将按照严格的课程安排学习,并在军官发展制度下生活.