


美国空军招募服务网站,包括但不限于 空军.COM, AFROTC.COMACADEMYADMISSIONS.COM, are provided as a public service by the United States 空军 Recruiting Service 和 the Department of the 空军. 本隐私政策适用于美国空军招募服务网站, 空军.COM, 和 describes the collection, use 和 disclosure of your personal information on this website. 如果您不同意受本隐私政策的约束, 请勿使用或向本网站提交任何资料.

Please note that the Department of the 空军 website is governed by its own separate security 和 privacy policy, 因此有了自己的 空军部门的安全和隐私政策. 你也可以访问第三方社交网络, 比如脸谱网, 推特, 来自空军的YouTube和Google+.COM. 这样做时, 请理解,这些社交网络有自己的一套信息实践. We strongly recommend that you read that social network’s privacy policy 和 terms 和 conditions to underst和 how it collects, 使用和共享信息. jdb电子夺宝不对第三方网站的隐私惯例或内容负责.


在这个网站上,你可以jdb电子夺宝,了解更多关于如何申请美国签证的信息.S. 空军或提出一般性问题或提供一般性评论. 当您jdb电子夺宝时, jdb电子夺宝可能会收集您的个人信息, 比如你的名字, 电子邮件地址, 电话号码和邮寄地址,以便jdb电子夺宝与您联系或回复您的请求.

Certain features of this website may require you to submit additional personal information or register in order to be able to use those features. 例如, 如果您想创建一个帐户, 使用即时聊天功能或在jdb电子夺宝的网站上玩游戏, 你可能需要提交你的名字来注册, 性别, 出生日期, 电子邮件地址, 邮寄地址和电话号码. 这些信息将用于您的注册,以便您可以使用本网站的这些功能. We may use your personal information to: (a) improve your browsing experience by personalizing the websites; (b) send information to you which we think may be of interest to you by post, email or other means; (c) send you marketing communications relating 到美国.S. 空军.

jdb电子夺宝可能会问你更多的背景信息, 比如你是否被判重罪, 无论你是单亲, 你是否曾经使用过非法药物或者你是否出于良心拒服兵役. 此信息可用于初步筛选资格的目的. You may choose instead to create an account 和 log in to our site using a third-party social network, 比如脸谱网. 有关创建帐户和使用第三方社交网络登录的更多信息, 请参阅下面的“第三方社交网络”部分.

We may also collect non-personal information for the purposes of operating 和 improving our website. 例如, jdb电子夺宝收集技术和使用信息, 例如您的互联网协议(IP)地址, 您访问jdb电子夺宝网站的日期和时间, 浏览器类型和引用URL. 此信息将用于创建汇总统计信息, 哪些是用来评估哪些信息是最感兴趣的,哪些是最不感兴趣的, 确定技术设计规范,识别系统性能或问题区域.


This site may use cookies 和 other Web technologies to enable certain features 和 protect unauthorized users (such as children under the age of 13) from accessing certain features of our site. Web measurement 和 customization technologies (WMCT) used as cookies may be used on this site to remember your online interactions, 当你从不同的设备登录时识别你, 对使用情况进行测量和分析或定制您的体验. 例如, we may use cookies to tailor your experience on our website to your interests 和 customize your experience based on how you navigate our website.

jdb电子夺宝也可能会询问您的兴趣和爱好,以定制您的网络体验. 默认情况下,Cookies是用来优化网站功能和定制用户体验的.
Users can choose not to accept the use of these cookies by changing the settings on their local computer’s Web browser. 的 美国.gov网站 provides general instructions on how to opt out of cookies 和 other commonly used Web-measurement 和 customization technologies. Opting out of cookies still permits users to access comparable information 和 services; however, it may take longer to navigate or interact with the website if a user is required to fill out certain information repeatedly.

jdb电子夺宝也可以使用清晰的动图(例如.g., pixel tags) provided by our third-party advertisers to help manage 和 tailor our online advertising efforts appropriate to your interests. 这使jdb电子夺宝能够了解哪些广告将用户带到jdb电子夺宝的网站,以及其他功能. 的 information we collect 和 share through this technology is not personally identifiable (it does not include your name, address, 电话号码或电邮地址). 如果您不想让jdb电子夺宝将您的信息用于此目的,请访问 NAI消费者选择退出页面. 要选择不让谷歌将您的信息用于此目的,请访问 谷歌广告个性化页面. 除了授权的执法调查, 不尝试识别单个用户或他们的使用习惯. 原始数据日志不用于其他目的. Our policy is to destroy these data logs in accordance with National Archives 和 Records Administration General Schedule 20.



  • 第三方服务提供商

    jdb电子夺宝可能会使用第三方服务提供商, 例如Atlas Analytics或数据库管理员, 帮助提供或改进本网站的某些方面. We may share your information with these third-party service providers so that they may provide their services to us.

  • 第三方广告商

    jdb电子夺宝可能会使用第三方广告商(如Google和脸谱网)向您投放广告. We may share your information with these third-party advertisers for the purposes of delivering these advertisements. 欲了解更多信息,请阅读jdb电子夺宝广告跟踪.

  • 法律的目的

    We may provide your information to third parties as required by law or to cooperate with regulators or law enforcement authority.

  • 健康或安全

    We may share your information when we have a good-faith belief that there is an emergency that poses a threat to the health or safety of you, 另一个人或公众.


你可以访问第三方社交网络, 比如脸谱网, 推特和Google+, 从jdb电子夺宝的网站. 例如,当你喜欢jdb电子夺宝的一个帖子时,该帖子可能会出现在你的脸谱网页面上. Please note that these websites have their own set of information practices 和 privacy policies 和 the 空军 Recruiting Service is not responsible for the information you choose to submit in these forums.

You may also choose to create an account 和 log in to our site through a third-party social network. 例如, you can create an account 和 log in using your 脸谱网 account information through 脸谱网 Connect. 当您使用您的社交网络帐户信息登录jdb电子夺宝的网站时, you are permitting the United States 空军 Recruiting Service to access certain social network account information about you so that we can deliver our online content to you.


本网站不面向13岁以下儿童, jdb电子夺宝不会故意收集儿童的个人信息. 如果您未满13岁,请停止使用本网站. It is our policy not to knowingly solicit or permit children under the age of 13 to provide their personal information for any purpose. In the event that we learn that we have inadvertently collected personal information from children under the age of 13, jdb电子夺宝将采取合理措施及时删除该信息.


出于安全目的,并确保所有用户都可以使用此服务, this government computer system employs software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information or otherwise cause damage. Unauthorized attempts to upload information or change information on this service are strictly prohibited 和 may be punishable under the Computer Fraud 和 Abuse Act 和 the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act.


jdb电子夺宝保留修改本隐私政策的权利. jdb电子夺宝建议您不时浏览本网站,因为jdb电子夺宝可能会修改本隐私政策. We will provide you with notice of a material change to the 隐私政策 by either email or by posting it on our website. 本政策的最新版本将约束jdb电子夺宝对您信息的使用. 在这些更改生效后继续使用本网站, 您同意受修订后的隐私政策的约束.

10 U.S.C. 503入伍/加入

招聘活动, 空中教育和训练指挥指令36-2002, 空军和美国空军的招募程序.S.C. 8013, Secretary of the 空军; powers 和 duties delegation by. PURPOSE: To obtain necessary information to respond to your request for information about a career in the 空军.

ROUTINE USE: No disclosure of this information will be made outside of the Department of Defense. 披露:自愿:然而, 如果没有提供信息, we will be unable to contact you 和 notify you of the possible 空军 opportunities available to you.


如果您对本政策中提供的信息有任何疑问或意见,请 jdb电子夺宝.